24/7 Internet Radio for the Voice Over Industry! Email VO Radio / Call 970-682-3424

Day in the Life | Daily Life as a Voice Over Talent

voice over life

NEW – DAY IN THE LIFE: Meet real voice over talent, whom share what a typical day in their own life is like as a voice over talent.

The struggles, ups’ and downs’, audition success and failure. Hear what it is like in the life of other voice over artists. Every one has similar battle. Find comfort in these personal stories. You’re not alone.

Submit your own “Day in the Life Story”. Just complete the form below then upload your recorded 4 to 5 minute story

We will feature you on our NEW feature Day in the Life, and invite to be on our Let’ Talk VO show. (thank you listener Tania Grant for the feature idea)

Day in the Life Submission Form

Day in the Life Submission

Recent Day in the Life Recorded Stories

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